Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Arrived in Seoul!

First thing I have to say is that Korean Air is awesome, I highly recommend. Especially the meal part. The flight went surprisingly fast, Quite typical of myself, I accidentally made getting from the airport to the meeting place with my employers much more time consuming and complicated than necessary, but I have arrived. The first night's shower, food and sleep was very much needed and appreciated.

The next day (my first full day in Korea) I went to my school, got introduced to everyone and got to know my way around. Then I spent the rest of the day shadowing the girl I will be replacing as she did her classes. I am staying in a "love motel" right now, and will be there for just under a week, until the girl I am replacing has moved of her apartment. One good thing about the love motel is that it is a minute walk from school, which greatly reduces the likelihood of me getting lost.

I have been cut loose for the next few days however (until Monday actually) because they are very worried about the swine flu over here, so they don't want me around the kids or the other teachers. So I am essentially on vacation for the next few days, which I intend to spend exploring. Today Melissa (the other new girl from Mexico City/Chicago) and I were whisked off to the hospital for our examination, which was a very speedy process to say the least. I learned that I had another cavity, normal blood pressure, and that I need an alarm clock, as I slept in right until there was a knock on my door notifying me that I was being picked up to go to the hospital (whoops).

Right now I don't have good access to Internet so updates will be sparse until I am moved in to my real apartment (moving day is Monday...seems like a long ways away right now!) I also only paid for 30min here at the internet cafe, so I think its time to go. More next time!


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